subito Self-Checkout & Self-Scanning
- What is the Self-Checkout suitable for?
- Who can use the Self-Checkout?
- What is the Self-Scanning suitable for?
- Who can use the Self-Scanning?
- What should I do if I have problems paying by card?
- Why can I not use cash to pay at the subito stations?
- What should I do if I can't scan a barcode?
- I read that a microphone is installed in the new handheld scanners. Will I be listened to while I do my shopping?
- I have found a camera in the new handheld scanners. Am I being filmed while I do my shopping?
- I would like to take part in a token collection promotion. What do I need to do?
- Can I collect Cumulus points with subito Self-Checkout and Self-Scanning?
- How do I redeem discount coupons and Cumulus vouchers?
- Some items, e.g. clothes, are protected with a chip or a tag. Who can remove these for me?
- Why are spot checks carried out for subito?
- Why was I chosen for a spot check again?
- I only noticed after paying that some of my products were not correctly scanned. What can I do?
- Does Migros plan to replace checkout staff with subito?